There has been so much speculation as to whether or not actress,
Alexis Knapp’s baby girl Kaliani is
Ryan Phillippe’s baby or not. She is now 3 months old and he still hasn’t taken the paternity test. Why?! I think that it is horrible! If he is so certain that he’s not the father, then why not prove it? And if he is the father, why can’t he take some responsibility?
Knapp has already put his surname on the birth certificate, so she’s made it clear where she stands. She also recently posted the picture above on her Twitter page saying,
“I do declare you to be the prettiest girl in the whole wide world.”
How sweet is that?! And yes, she’s a beauty. I am beyond baffled that Ryan doesn’t want to be part of her life. It’s shocking. He already has two children with his ex-wife, Reese Witherspoon, so it’s not like he’s afraid of fatherhood. I just don’t get it.